The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs staff offers so much more than just a presentation of facts and figures.
They’re here to help you assemble your budget and remove any barriers that may stand in the way of your collegiate goals. Meet the staff that’s dedicated to helping you realize your dream of attending Syracuse University, as well as offering financial literacy training that will improve your life now and for many years to come.
200 Bowne Hall (Campus Map )
Academic Year Hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Summer Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Drop in Virtually
Meet with a financial aid representative virtually through Zoom by joining our Virtual Lobby open during regular office hours.

Jessica C. Calhoun
Associate Director
Alex Coleman-Gridley
Service Provider

Jaclyn Collins
Assistant Director
Transfer Students
Undergraduate Veterans
Afua S. Danso Dankwa

Lisa Folsom
Online Graduate Students

Marisa Heffernan
Assistant Director

Catherine Hill
Assistant Director
Athletic Awards

Adrian Klayberman
Emily Lawson

Ernest Matthews III
Service Provider
Karina Anderson McNary
Assistant Director
Financial Literacy Programs
Chad Northrup
Assistant Director
Tuition Exchange, Dependent Tuition

Jordyn Polge
Loan Processor
Doug Quinn
Kimberly Radcliffe-Loor
Assistant Director
Phanstiel Scholarship, Gerry Scholarship and Endowed Awards
Michele Sipley
Executive Director

Kristen Wagner
Associate Director
Kailyn Wright
Assistant Director
HEOP/SSSP & Opportunity Programs
Mailing Address
Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs
Syracuse University
200 Bowne Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244-1200