With a longstanding commitment to veteran and military students and their families, we provide you the space and resources to make an immediate impact on your career and community.
Whether you are on active duty, in the National Guard or Reserve, a veteran, or a military family member, Syracuse University has the resources to help you succeed.
Undergraduate Students:
Students pursuing their undergraduate degree should complete the FAFSA and the CSS Profile by the published deadlines. These applications are not required for admission to the University. However, we recommend that students complete these applications to be considered for various forms of need-based financial aid.
Any student using VA benefits, such as the Post 9/11 GI Bill, Yellow Ribbon Funding, or other VA benefits must certify their benefits each semester with the Office of Veteran Success. The Office of Veteran Success can be reached at veterans@syr.edu.
Undergraduate students who recently left active-duty service and are now attending Syracuse University full-time may be eligible for a need-based aid appeal. These appeals are for students who have had a major change in income, especially in cases with a change in employment or discharge from military service. More information can be found on our Professional Judgment/Special Circumstances page.
Graduate Students:
Students pursuing their graduate degree should complete the FAFSA by the published deadlines. This application is not required for admission to the University. However, we recommend that students complete the FAFSA to be considered for various forms of financial aid.
Any student using VA benefits, such as the Post 9/11 GI Bill, Yellow Ribbon Funding, or other VA benefits must certify their benefits each semester with the Office of Veteran Success. The Office of Veteran Success can be reached at veterans@syr.edu.
Army ROTC Scholarships
Whether you’re a college-bound high school student, already attending a college or university, or are currently on active duty, Army ROTC has scholarships available. Scholarships are awarded based on a student’s merit and grades, not financial need.
For Admissions Questions & Coordination:
Eric Schaertl
Air Force ROTC Scholarships
AFROTC Scholarship awards are always merit-based, not based on financial need. Cadets pursuing any academic majors are eligible – not just technical majors. You do not need to receive a scholarship to be a cadet. Cadets can only receive one type of AFROTC scholarship, but that does not preclude them from any scholarships, grants, etc. from outside sources.
For Admission Questions and Scholarship Questions:
Office of Veteran and Military Affairs (OVMA)
Office of Veteran Success (OVS) – Certification of VA Benefits (such as GI Bill, DEA, and Yellow Ribbon Funding)
Veteran and Military Admissions
National Veterans Resource Center (NVRC)
D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF)