Academic Merit
Syracuse University awards academic scholarships to eligible students based on the student’s admission application – there is no application for merit scholarships. Selection is by the Admissions Committee and eligibility is based on a student’s academic credentials, performance on standardized tests, class rank, portfolio or audition results (if relevant), community and extracurricular involvement, and overall citizenship and character.
If you have questions about academic merit scholarships, please contact the Office of Admissions or call 315-443-3611.
Students who receive a University-funded scholarship must maintain a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 and complete at least 12 credits per semester to continue eligibility. However, students will need to take an average of 15 credits each semester to graduate in four years.
Students have three semesters to meet the GPA requirement. If a recipient’s GPA falls below the required GPA, a University-funded scholarship will not be renewed. Scholarships are renewed annually and are dependent upon the length of the student’s program and status (year in school) at the time of admission to Syracuse. Students must also meet the University’s Academic Integrity Expectations and student conduct expectations.
Scholarships are awarded to first-year students for up to eight semesters of undergraduate enrollment. If you are enrolled in an approved five-year program, you will receive awards for up to 10 semesters. Scholarships are offered for the academic year only with half of the award amount applied to each semester: half for fall and half for spring. They do not extend to non-standard academic terms (summer sessions, Winterlude, etc.) Students who enroll for only one semester will receive half of the annual award amount.
Academic scholarships are awarded regardless of financial need. To be considered for an academic scholarship or to have it renewed, students do not have to file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), CSS/PROFILE, or any other application.
Syracuse University scholarships are tuition specific and may be combined with other tuition specific awards (including those outside of Syracuse University), not to exceed the amount of tuition for each year. If you are a Syracuse University Dependent Tuition Benefit (DTB) eligible student receiving less than 100 percent benefit, your SU merit-based scholarship may be combined with your Dependent Tuition Benefit, up to the cost of full tuition. If you are a Tuition Exchange eligible student, your SU merit-based scholarship may be combined with your Tuition Exchange award. If you receive 100 percent tuition benefit from the SU DTB program, you will receive a merit-based scholarship in name only, as your scholarship is already included in your Dependent Benefit funding.
ACE Mentor Scholarship
ACE (Architecture, Construction, Engineering) Mentor scholarships are offered to selected students who are admitted to the College of Engineering and Computer Science or the School of Architecture and are U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Students should complete the ACE Mentor Application Form by Jan. 1 of their senior year of high school to notify the Office of Admissions that they are involved with an ACE Mentor Program affiliate.
AmeriCorps Scholarships
In conjunction with the National Corporation for National and Community Service, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs will award a scholarship (combined with Syracuse University Merit Scholarships if applicable) equal to at least one-half of the cost of tuition to qualified undergraduate students who have participated in the AmeriCorps program. This scholarship is awarded in recognition of academic potential, involvement in community activities and leadership. There is no limit to the number of awards made on an annual basis and the scholarship is renewable for four years according to standard scholarship renewal policies at Syracuse University.
To apply for this scholarship, undergraduate students must submit a statement of participation that is endorsed by their AmeriCorps program director. This statement must be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs at the time of application to the University. The deadline for submission of the statement of participation is March 1. Contact the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarship Programs at 315.443.1513 or for application details.
Athletic Grants
The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs coordinates with the Athletic Department for the awarding and packaging of student athletes.
View additional information on SU Athletics.
Coronat Scholars
The Coronat Scholars Program is a highly competitive award offered to incoming first-year students enrolling in the College of Arts and Sciences | Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. This is a full tuition award and offers other special benefits, such as additional funding for study abroad, funding for one summer of approved study, research, or volunteer work (awarded on a competitive basis), and admission to the Renée Crown University Honors program.
Students are invited to apply for the Coronat Scholarship based on the quality of their application to Syracuse University. If selected for the scholarship, the award is given during the admissions process.
The Coronat Scholarship, in combination with other tuition-specific awards (including those outside Syracuse University), cannot exceed the amount of tuition for each year.
This scholarship is renewable annually (for the published length of the program), provided the student maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.75 and remains enrolled full-time in the College of Arts and Sciences | Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs.
For additional information, please visit the Coronat Scholars website.
FIRST Scholarship
FIRST scholarships are offered to selected students who are admitted to the College of Engineering and Computer Science and are U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Students should complete the FIRST Robotics Application Form by Jan. 15 of their senior year of high school to notify the Office of Admissions that they have participated on a FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) or FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) team during high school.
Haudenosaunee Scholarships
Haudenosaunee Promise Scholarship
The Haudenosaunee Promise Scholarship Program seeks to make the rich educational experiences of Syracuse University available to admitted, qualified, first-year and transfer Haudenosaunee students. The Promise expresses Syracuse University’s gratitude and appreciation for the historical, political, and cultural legacies of the Haudenosaunee and honors the continually growing relationship between us. Qualified students receive financial assistance equal to the cost of tuition, housing and meals, and mandatory fees (as outlined in the University's Cost of Attendance per year in college) for each year of full-time undergraduate study.
To be eligible a student must:
- Be an admitted first-year or transfer student.
- Be a certified citizen of one of the historic Haudenosaunee nations (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, or Tuscarora).
- Have resided on one of the Haudenosaunee nation territories listed below for a minimum of four years prior to and during their enrollment at Syracuse University.
- Be in pursuit of his/her first bachelor’s degree.
- File for financial aid by published deadlines.
- Maintain full-time academic status (12 credits per semester) and meet the satisfactory academic progress standards of the University.
Eligible Haudenosaunee Territories:
Akwesasne Mohawk, Allegany Seneca, Cattaraugus Seneca, Cayuga, Ganienke Mohawk, Kahnawà:ke Mohawk, Kanatsiohareke Mohawk, Kanesatake Mohawk, Niagara Falls Seneca, Oil Spring Seneca, Oneida, Oneida of the Thames (Ontario), Onondaga, Six Nations (Canada), Tonawanda Seneca, Tuscarora, Tyendinaga Mohawk, Oneida (Wisconsin), Wahta (Ontario).
Haudenosaunee Honor Scholarship
Students selected for a Haudenosaunee Honor Scholarship receive financial assistance equal to the cost of tuition and mandatory fees as specified in the Syracuse University Cost of Attendance for each year of full-time undergraduate study. Three scholarships are awarded annually to admitted early decision, regular decision, and transfer students.
To be eligible a student must:
- Be an admitted first-year (early decision or regular decision) or transfer student.
- Be a certified citizen of one of the historic Haudenosaunee nations (Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, or Tuscarora)
- Be in pursuit of his/her first bachelor’s degree.
- File for financial aid by published deadlines.
- Maintain full-time academic status (12 credits per semester) and meet the satisfactory academic progress standards of the University.
- Submit the Honor Application by the March 15 deadline
- Haudenosaunee Honor Application
- Indigenous Grants
Invest in SUccess Scholarship
The Invest in Success Scholarship is awarded to first-year and transfer students in good standing, who completed 15 or more credits and earned a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.75 in their first semester at Syracuse University.
For the scholarship to renew, students must complete a total of 30 credits each academic year (not including Summer/Winterlude) with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25.
Eligibility for the Invest in Success Scholarship is determined by enrollment and GPA in a student’s first semester at Syracuse University. Students who do not meet the requirements in their first semester, or who lose the scholarship due to not meeting the renewal requirements, will not be reconsidered for this scholarship in future semesters.
Junior Achievement Scholarship
This scholarship for full tuition is awarded by Syracuse University to one outstanding first-year student who has applied through Junior Achievement of CNY. Selection is made jointly by Junior Achievement of CNY and Syracuse University based on academic record, quality of work in JA, personal achievement, and an interview.
This scholarship is renewable each year for four years provided the student maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.75 and completes at least 12 credits per semester.
The scholarship may be combined with other tuition specific awards (including those outside of Syracuse University), not to exceed the amount of tuition for each year. For New York State (NYS) residents, this includes NYS Tuition Assistance Program grant (TAP).
The combination of SU Junior Achievement and New York State Tuition Assistance (TAP) may not exceed full tuition.
Leadership Scholars
The Leadership Scholars Program recognizes students who have demonstrated a strong commitment to academic achievement, leadership and community service. The Leadership Scholarship covers half tuition for students entering in fall 2022 and beyond. Some schools and colleges at Syracuse University may provide additional benefits to Leadership Scholars beyond the 50% tuition award.
Students who receive a University-funded scholarship must maintain a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 and complete at least 12 credits per semester to continue eligibility. However, students will need to take an average of 15 credits each semester to graduate in four years.
Maxwell School of Citizenship Scholarship for Community Impact
This scholarship is sponsored by the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. First-year Maxwell School students engaged in community impact projects are invited to apply to the Maxwell School of Citizenship Scholarship for Community Impact. The application includes submitting a brief description and supporting evidence documenting the student’s impact. Four scholarships of $15,000 are awarded.
This scholarship is renewable at the same time each year provided the student remains a Maxwell major, maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.75, and completes at least 12 credits per semester.
If you've been engaged or are currently engaged in a community impact project, we encourage you to apply! The application includes submitting a brief description and supporting evidence documenting your impact in your community, as well as a letter of reference from someone (who is not a family member) who can speak to your impact.
This application deadline is April 10 at 11:59 pm. Late applications will not be accepted. Applicants will be notified about the award status by Friday, April 25th.
NFTE Scholarship
Syracuse University supports a new partnership with NFTE (Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship). As part of this partnership, SU offers two scholarships for entering students. Each scholarship is equal to full tuition and mandatory fees, renewed provided the recipient remain enrolled full time at Syracuse University and meet standard academic progress, up to four years. The scholarship is for academic year study. Students must also file for financial aid and submit both the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE and FAFSA to be considered. Students must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible noncitizen (permanent resident) to be considered for this program.
The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs will identify scholars who are both alumni of the NFTE program and admitted under regular Syracuse University Office of Admissions guidelines.
Our Time Has Come Scholarships
The Our Time Has Come Scholarships are available to students who meet the eligibility criteria and the application process. View the Our Time Has Come website for details on the scholarships that are offered, the eligibility criteria, application and contact information.
S. Louise and Howard Phanstiel Scholars Program
The S. Louise and Howard Phanstiel Scholars Program provides assistance to Syracuse University students from middle-income backgrounds who are U.S. citizens and who have demonstrated examples of academic success and community leadership. The Phanstiel Scholars Program aims to ensure that talented students with leadership potential, both in the classroom and the community, can be a part of the SU experience and earn a degree from Syracuse University. The Phanstiel Scholars will benefit financially and will have access to a group of mentors who will offer support and guidance in a program encompassing philanthropy, financial literacy, and mentoring. To encourage a spirit of philanthropy, and to support the academic and personal development of the Phanstiel Scholars, students will participate in three important activities associated with the scholarship:
- These students will be required to submit a one-page personal statement outlining the philanthropic efforts in which they have been engaged throughout the year.
- Scholars will complete a minimum of 10 hours of community service each academic year.
- Scholars will participate in SU’s Financial Literacy program, to ensure that they will manage their future success and finances.
In addition to engaging in and promoting philanthropy and altruism, Phanstiel Scholars must maintain consistent academic achievement toward their degree at a full-time level and contribute to the health and vibrancy of the Phanstiel Scholars Program.
Students will be considered for this scholarship upon their admission to Syracuse University; no application is required.
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarships
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) is a national honorary fraternity that honors junior and community college students throughout the United States whose GPA is 3.5 or higher.
Syracuse University provides a $2,000 Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship to students transferring to the university. The student must be a member in good standing of this fraternity at their junior or community college. A minimum of 24 transfer credits is also required (part-time students and students with a previous bachelor’s degree are not eligible and students must enroll immediately following the completion of their two year college program).
To be reviewed for the scholarship, the Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship Application must be completed by both the student and PTK college advisor and then mailed to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs. The deadlines are June 1 for fall enrollment and December 15 for spring enrollment.
This scholarship is renewable at the same time each year provided the student maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.75 and completes at least 12 credits per semester.
Project Lead the Way
Project Lead the Way scholarships are offered to selected students who are admitted to the College of Engineering and Computer Science and are U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Students should complete the Project Lead The Way Application Form by Jan. 15 of their senior year of high school to notify the Office of Admissions that they have taken at least two PLTW courses during high school.
Refugee Scholarship
This program is administered by the Office of Admissions with the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs. Students should follow normal admissions and financial aid deadlines. The Special Refugee Award covers full tuition and fees from all federal, state, and University grant and scholarship sources.
This scholarship is renewable at the same time each year provided the student maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.75 and completes at least 12 credits per semester.
Remembrance Scholarships
The Remembrance Scholarship is one of the highest awards a Syracuse University student can receive. Established by Syracuse University, these scholarships honor and remember the 35 students studying abroad with Syracuse University who were among the 270 men, women, and children killed in the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988.
Each year, 35 Remembrance Scholarships, each in the amount of $5,000, are awarded to senior undergraduate students on the basis of distinguished academic achievement, citizenship, and service to community. Students should apply in their junior year. The application is available online between November 18 and January 21. At any other time it can be previewed at the Remembrance website.
The awarding and value of these scholarships are determined by the Air Force. In addition to the tuition funding provided by the Air Force, ROTC scholarship recipients receive Syracuse University financial assistance equal to the cost of housing and meals as specified in the Syracuse University Cost of Attendance but can be used toward non room and board specific costs. This gift aid will include any SU awards, including tuition merit awards. For more information visit the Air Force website.
The awarding and value of these scholarships are determined by the Army. In addition to the tuition funding provided by the Army, ROTC scholarship recipients receive Syracuse University financial assistance equal to the cost of housing and meals as specified in the Syracuse University Cost of Attendance. This gift aid will include any SU awards. For more information visit the Army website.
Say Yes to Education
Say Yes to Education, Inc. (Say Yes) is a national, nonprofit education foundation committed to dramatically increasing high school and college graduation rates for urban youth. The Syracuse chapter of Say Yes to Education is a department within the Central NY Community Foundation and functions as a collaborative partnership among Syracuse University, the Syracuse City School District and many private colleges and all of the SUNY/CUNY schools. SU’s Say Yes to Education Scholarship covers tuition, fees, and books through funding provided by SU. The scholarship amount includes aid received from the NYS Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) and Syracuse University merit awards. Students must adhere to Syracuse University deadlines throughout the admissions and financial aid process and certify with Say Yes Syracuse by completing the Say Yes Syracuse online application.
Syracuse University participates in the following Say Yes to Education programs:
The collaboration with each program covers tuition. The scholarship amount includes aid received from the NYS Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) and Syracuse University merit awards. SU awards Say Yes Buffalo Scholarships to entering first-year and transfer students whose family income is less than $100,000 as reported on the College Scholarship Service (CSS)/Financial Aid PROFILE. SU awards Say Yes Guilford and Say Yes Cleveland Scholarships to entering first-year and transfer students whose family income is less than $75,000 as reported on the College Scholarship Service (CSS)/Financial Aid PROFILE. Students must annually file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE to be considered for Say Yes to Education Scholarships. More information regarding the application and income requirements can be found on Say Yes Buffalo site, Say Yes Guildford site, and Say Yes Cleveland site.
Scholarship in Action Merit Scholarships
The Scholarship in Action Merit Scholarships are awarded to 11 upper-class students selected to receive a $6,000 scholarship. Juniors will be awarded for two years, and seniors for one year. Three of the recipients will be from The College of Arts and Sciences. The remaining eight undergraduate schools and colleges will receive one scholarship each.
Apply Here: Scholarship in Action Merit Scholarship Application
To be eligible, students must have:
- Entered the University without a merit scholarship from SU
- Completed two years of study at SU and achieved junior status during the first semester of the scholarship
- Earned an overall grade point average of 3.0
- Demonstrated scholarship in action in their time at SU
A rising junior who applies but does not receive a scholarship may reapply for his or her senior year. To maintain their scholarships, students will be required to meet the same academic standards that are required for other academic/competitive scholarships.
Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs
United Methodist Scholarships
The United Methodist Church offers scholarships for Syracuse University students who are full, active members of the United Methodist Church for one year prior to application and U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Students must also maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75 and be enrolled full-time. The amount of these awards varies and applications are accepted from January 1 through May 15. Various scholarships are available. Students need to complete only one online application each year. For more information, visit the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry’s website.
Visual and Performing Arts Scholarships
Music Scholarships:
These scholarships are awarded to entering students based on talent and are renewable for four academic years provided the student maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.75 and remains enrolled full-time in the Setnor School of Music. The student may receive this award in addition to New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) as long as the combination does not exceed full tuition.
- Setnor Awards: limited full tuition awards, offered annually
- Orchestral String Awards: limited $20,000 awards, offered annually
- Director’s Awards: limited $20,000 awards, offered annually
- Distinguished Music Performance Award: limited $10,000 awards, offered annually
Artistic Scholarship:
These scholarships are awarded to entering students based on talent and are renewable for four academic years provided the student maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.75 and remains enrolled full-time in the College of Visual and Performing Arts Art Program. The student may receive this award in addition to New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) as long as the combination does not exceed full tuition.
- Distinguished Art Portfolio Award: limited $10,000 awards, offered annually
- Distinguished Drama Performance Award: limited $10,000 awards, offered annually
Tepper Semester Grant:
Awarded to students attending the Tepper Semester in New York City. The grant is awarded based on financial need. All students accepted into the program are considered. No application is required. Individual grant amounts vary.
World Trade Center Matching Grant
For students who qualify for the New York State World Trade Center Memorial Scholarship (through HESC), Syracuse University will match this scholarship with university funds up to an amount equal to full tuition (these university funds may include Syracuse University merit-based scholarships).
In addition, students are encouraged to apply for all WTC/911 scholarship funding for which they may be eligible; all financial aid may not exceed the cost of attendance.