Students may be eligible to receive financial aid while they take summer classes at Syracuse University.
Limited summer financial aid is available in the form of:
- Federal Direct Student Loan
- Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan
- Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
- Alternative (private) loans
Undergraduates may also be eligible for:
- Syracuse University need-based grants: limited funding is available.
- NYS TAP (for New York residents): Consult your financial aid counselor to discuss your summer TAP eligibility, as this may affect your eligibility for future TAP payments.
Eligibility Criteria
To be considered for summer loans, you must:
- File a 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid before the June 30, 2025 deadline.
- Be matriculated in a program leading to a degree, certificate, or diploma at Syracuse University.
- Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.
- Enroll in Syracuse University summer classes for six or more credit hours. (Graduate students must be certified as full-time status with the Registrar.)
- Be enrolled in coursework that will count toward your degree requirement.
- Have not completed degree requirements before the end of the summer term.
- Complete a Syracuse University Summer Loan application on your MySlice To Do List available after April 1.
- Not be in default on any previous federal student loan or grant program.
Syracuse University Grants
To be considered for Syracuse University need-based grants undergraduates must:
- Have filed a 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
- Register for one or more of the summer sessions on campus or online.
- Borrow your full federal student loan eligibility by completing a Syracuse University Summer Loan application on your My Slice Financial Aid To Do List.
Types of Summer Aid
Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans
The maximum amount that may be borrowed through the Federal Direct Loan program for the summer term is based on a student’s academic level.
Note: Loans for students graduating in August are subject to federal loan proration limitations and remaining academic year loan eligibility.
Undergraduate Students
Credits completed prior to summer | Maximum summer loan amount (subsidized and unsubsidized) |
Less than 30 credits
30-59 credits
More than 59 Credits
Graduate Students
Graduate Federal Direct Loan | |
Graduate Students
Up to $10,250 unsubsidized; Up to $6,833 per term for some online programs
Please note that interest is charged from the time the funds are disbursed for the Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan.
- A student’s loan eligibility is determined by the number of credits for which the student is enrolled and the number of weeks that the student will be attending summer sessions.
- Students may borrow up to the cost of tuition plus an estimate for weekly living expenses ($420/week for undergraduates, $446/week for graduate students) during summer enrollment.
- Learn more about summer tuition rates.
Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students
Parents of dependent undergraduate students may be eligible to borrow a Federal Direct PLUS Loan (FPLUS). If the parent is denied the FPLUS, students may be eligible for additional unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan funds. Eligibility is calculated by deducting the total financial aid from the Cost of Attendance.
Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan
Graduate students may be eligible to borrow a Federal Graduate PLUS Loan. Students should borrow their maximum eligibility in Federal Direct Loans before they apply for this loan, which requires a basic credit check. This is a long-term, fixed-rate loan to help bridge the financial gap. Eligibility is calculated by deducting the total financial aid from the Cost of Attendance.
Alternative Loans
Students who are certified for the maximum Federal Direct Loan and have additional eligibility for financial aid assistance may apply for an alternative loan. To apply for a summer alternative loan, students must complete the Syracuse University Summer Financial Aid Application on your MySlice Financial Aid To Do List and the alternative loan application provided by your lender.
Summer Aid Policies
- Undergraduate students attending Syracuse Abroad will be considered for Study Abroad need-based grants after admission to their Summer Study Abroad program.
- Students may receive Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans up to the maximum loan amount, listed in the charts above.
- Students may receive up to the Cost of Attendance in all forms of financial aid (including loans).
- Any and all forms of financial assistance or resources will be taken into consideration when determining financial aid eligibility for the summer term.
- Students must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress at the end of the spring semester (if enrolled) to be eligible for summer aid.
- Summer aid is disbursed at the beginning of the student’s summer enrollment period. Aid for flexible class students will disburse in the session in which they attain at least half-time enrollment.
- Students due a refund from summer financial aid must request a refund from the Bursar’s Office on MySlice after classes begin.
- Federal Direct Student Loans for the summer will not affect academic year eligibility, unless the student is near the total aggregate loan limits, or in the final semester of the academic program.
- Federal Direct Subsidized, Unsubsidized Student Loans, and Federal Pell Grants will be included in a student’s aggregate limit.
- Applications will be accepted until the last week of the summer session attended, which includes a completed:
- Federal Direct Loan Master Promissory Note
- entrance counseling session
- Summer Academic Plan form (may be required)
- Fall/spring academic year financial aid cannot be used to pay summer charges.
- Students must file for financial aid at least five business days before the end of the summer session in which they are enrolled, to allow sufficient processing time.
- Federal regulations prevent federal financial aid awards after your enrollment period ends.